4 Steps to the Path of Least Resistance

Narin Narula
4 min readSep 28, 2022


In other words, how to actually obtain what you want and get to where you want to be.

What is that one thing that you really want to accomplish but you just cannot seem to get there? Do you feel a certain resistance or movement against the grain each time you have an overpowering ambition to achieve a goal or possess certain object or status?

In the hot pursuit of these accomplishments, do you feel and often see evidence that perhaps it is getting away from you? The more you try, does it just appear more difficult or perhaps even improbable in its outcome?

This is called Resistance. Ironically the very by-product of the effort we make towards our desires and the trickiest aspect of the process of what people nowadays term as Manifestation.

What’s the problem?

You may or may not have guessed it yet…. It's Us!

Part of our make-up is that we do not stand still. We value busy-ness over productivity, activity over substance and efficiency over efficacy.

As we can see in modern workplace culture and the so-called entrepreneurial atmosphere, it is considered almost sacred to work 24-hour days whilst simultaneously complaining about it. Only the irreverent scoff at ‘Hustling!’

However, without realizing it, most of us are actually trying to fit in to a one-size fits all mindset, which is really the same as multi-tasking — so much promise but really empty and useless.

In the end, we follow a pre-defined path. We bend our individuality to conform, not understanding that we are individuals. Nature made each of us unique, so why should our paths not also be unique?

We need to define our own individual Path of Least Resistance.

In other words, our own path, synced to our own personality and destiny path


I have listened to the works of Abraham Hicks, who describes this process towards a personal synchronization, if you will, which helps any individual come back into ease and onto the steps that will guide them towards their target.

I do my best to describe it below.

Step 1 — Meditate

Sit quietly and observe your thoughts. Just quiet your mind. What I mean by this is let the thoughts come and go. Do not join them. Do not negotiate or rationalize with them. Do not try to justify them. Do not judge them.

Bring your attention back to your breath or any external sound like the sound of the rain or maybe an air-conditioner — anything that does not elicit from you any judgement, definition or the need to describe or define.

It’s just a sound with no meaning — stay there.

Step 2 — Watch for Inspiration

After a while of quieting your mind and focusing your breath and attention, you will likely experience a form of euphoria, partly because you would have been successful in staying the infinitesimal but yet infinite moment and there will suddenly spring forth a thought, or an idea or an inspired feeling. Something that feels just right…Follow this.

It could be a simple inspiration to do something as banal as taking a walk or even to eat something or write something down.

I believe it is a process of slow release of mental fatigue and resistance that brings one’s focus back to the present and to a flow state.

Step 3 — Take in the Inspiration

Rather than thinking a thought, which we usually do aggressively or proactively, what we want is to receive a thought or a feeling. A phenomenon where the change in our mental state suddenly opens us to ideas and feelings which we were closed off to, during normal operating conditions.

We are allowing ourselves to get into a Flow State

Step 4 — Take Inspired Action

Note I did not say just take action. No. Take inspired action i.e., act on that inspired thought or feeling without delay. It could be an idea or a feeling or a vision that you received while in flow…Write it down without delay. Play with it and expand on it and let it take you down the rabbit hole.

At this point, do not question that inspiration. Rather, just take the suggested steps and see where it leads. If you are doing things that are making you happier in the moment, your emotional vibration will be rising and will act as a guide to your next steps.

Turn it into steps. Turn the steps into a plan. Then take Inspired Action

I do believe that with time and consistency, this practice can yield the results we are looking for. Rather than rushing things, let them ensue.

Remember: Resistance is Futile

Gratitude is also a great process. Check it out here.

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Thanks for reading!

