Make 2023 Your Most Profitable Yet!

Narin Narula
2 min readDec 31, 2022


Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Set yourself up to win in 2023 with the following steps:

  • Gratitude, is Profitable — sulking is not
  • Giving to and Helping Others, is Profitable- living just for yourself is not
  • Tithing is Profitable- being miserly is not
  • Sharing in Happiness of Others is Profitable- jealousy is not
  • Reveling in the Success of Others, knowing that You will also receive it one day, is Profitable — envy is not
  • Accepting that You WILL be Victorious in the end, is Profitable — doubt is not
  • Believing in Yourself is Profitable-second guessing yourself is not
  • Believing in the Good that is To Come, is Profitable-disbelief is not
  • Knowing You are Loved & Guided is Profitable — despair is not
  • Believing that You WILL Overcome, is Profitable — anxiety is not
  • Exercise, is Profitable- apathy is not
  • Reading, is Profitable- binging on Netflix is not
  • Believing in the Goodness of Others, is Profitable- wariness is not
  • Asking for Blessings Upon Others, is Profitable-wishing ill is not
  • Believing in God’s Love and Ever Presence with You, is Profitable- denial is not
  • Love, is Profitable- hate is not
  • Believing that God has Your Back ALWAYS, is Profitable- fear is not
  • Taking Inspired Action, is Profitable- catastrophizing is not
  • Support Groups, are Profitable-needlessly suffering alone is not
  • Meditation, is Profitable- ruminating is not
  • Participation, is Profitable — aloofness is not
  • Family, is Profitable — estrangement is not
  • Hope, is Profitable — hopelessness is not
  • Laughter, is Profitable — depression is not
  • Forgiving Yourself, is Profitable-needless guilt is not
  • Acceptance and Forward Thinking, is Profitable- complaining is not

2023 is the Year We Vow to Live a Life of Daily Profit!

God Bless You and Happy New Year 🙏

My thanks to David O. for the mention in his 2022 wrap up. Meant the world to me. Thanks Brother!

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Thanks for reading!

