Cristiano Ronaldo is Behaving Like a TW*T!

Narin Narula
3 min readNov 14, 2022


Why, oh Why Ronnie?

I am a lifelong Manchester United Fan.

Even though I do not have much readership, or followers on Medium, and this article may not be seen by many eyes, I feel compelled to say something, because this is MY club!

I have been supporting them since the days we have players most modern-day fans would not even remember.

Mike Duxbury, Clayton Blackmore, Mal Donaghy….Who?? Exactly! I have been there!

I have seen the early days of Alex Ferguson getting thrashed 4–0 at Anfield, when he had to re — invent the team three times and still managed to get us to trophies. In these times, he had to let go or release players that would otherwise walk into the first team at any other club, either due to their poor playing form or their poor attitudes.

But we still won. Why? Because we had the right mindset and the right leader. In Ferguson’s own words — THE MANAGER IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PERSON AT THE CLUB!

Today, Ronaldo has thrown complete disrespect at this adage and mantra and declared himself larger than the club.

No matter who you are, THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE.

I mean I love the guy, and I was gushing a year ago, as I pictured a Ronaldo who would emerge as a leader in the team and even perhaps stay beyond his playing years to pass his experience down to younger players, who would benefit IMMENSELY from his experience and his professional attitude.

He has completely put this to the sword today when has not only criticised the club, utterly disrespected his manager and team mates and resolutely chosen to ignore that fact that MANCHESTER UNITED MADE HIM!

His forays into European leagues with Real Madrid & Juventus was only made possible because of what he became at Manchester United, which was a combination of good coaching, good team mates, and an environment that nurtured the best from him.

He would not have been the same Cristiano Ronaldo, had he joined Wenger’s Arsenal or even Liverpool. They would not have provided either the most conducive platform to cultivate his talents, given that they were at that time, what Ronaldo accuses Manchester United of being today — Also-Rans.

And I think this hurts the most. When you break trust with your family and go public and give an interview to an Arsenal Apologist and Polemicist №1.

But do you know what? We are Manchester United. We have been there and done it all. And we will do it again!

On a Final note, I wish Cristiano luck, because he is no longer welcome, but I also leave him with an un-alienable fact that he should carve into his bones….There was only ever ONE KING OF OLD TRAFFORD and HIS NAME IS ERIC! LONG LIVE THE KING!

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